
Personal thoughts on product management, useful tools, and other things I find interesting

Welcome! This is the website for Kevin Yuan (Sr. Product Manager)

  • A Simple LLM Use Case That Outputs JSON To Use In Code

    I watched a video earlier this week from Google’s Gemma Developer Day 2024. It was short (~12 mins long), the presenter used tools that are freely available (Llama.cpp, VS Code, and a laptop), and I was able to follow along with my paltry software engineering knowledge. [Read More]
  • Go-to-Market Launch Worksheet

    I recently had a conversation with a colleague about how to bring together a diverse group of product management, product marketing, tech writing, sales engineering, customer success, and technical support to define the go-to-market enablement tasks needed to support a launch. We quickly created a 4-box slide to help with... [Read More]
  • Product Success Teams

    One of the tactics that I have found success with is the idea of the Product Success Team. This is a cross-functional team made up of co-leaders from various departments. The goal is to create alignment across the organization on actions to drive product success. [Read More]